Saturday, August 4, 2012

An Interview with Relationship and Life Coach Bree Maresca ...

An Interview with Relationship and Life Coach Bree Maresca-Kramer

Acclaimed Relationship & Life Coach Bree Maresca-Kramer M.A. holds a Master?s Degree in Mental Health Counseling, has over fifteen years of clinical experience working with individuals and couples, and has been featured on NBC, CBS, In-Touch Magazine, and is a Relationship Expert Columnist for The Huffington Post.?

Tell us a little bit about yourself.

Working as a Mental Health Counselor, I consistently saw men and women struggle to understand themselves and their partner.? They would often say to me, ?Can you explain why it is so hard to have a good relationship??


This was my inspiration for writing the self-help relationship books- It?s That Simple! For Men & It?s That Simple! For Women.

I wanted to give men and women the information and tools they needed in a simple to understand format that would change their lives and relationships.


Now, as a Nationally Recognized Relationship Expert, Relationship & Life Coach, Relationship Expert Columnist for the Huffington Post, and featured expert on NBC, CBS, CW, & FOX News,? I have the opportunity to help countless men and women create happy and thriving relationships!

What lead you into providing online dating advice for men (and women)? Are the men more interesting with their needs?

The male clients I was working with were all having very similar problems with women. They were making the same mistakes and falling into comparable pitfalls while dating.

This prompted me to create a special dating program just for men to help them not only find the women of their dreams but then keep her once they did!

I love working with men because they are extremely motivated to accomplish their goals and do not mess around.? Whether they are trying to fix their current relationship or find the women of their dreams they take what I teach them and quickly apply it for amazing results.

I found that women who are seeking my dating advice really want to improve their entire life. Because of this we will often work on improving their self-worth, their body image, and there over all well-being along with how to find and keep the right guy.

Do you think men are a little slower to pick up on cues while dating? I noticed that many of your hints involve ?Stop texting!?

I have found that men miss more body language cues than women do.

As I work with a man, part of what I teach him is how to understand the way women think, feel, and perceive things. This includes reading her body language and being able to fulfill what she is looking for.

When a man fully understands this he is extremely well equipped to have incredible relationships!

Do many of your clients find love and/or solutions to their dating troubles?

Absolutely!? My experience as a Mental Health Counselor gives me a great advantage in helping my clients as their Relationship Coach.

I am able to go deeper with them to reveal their blocks and self-sabotaging behaviors with dating and relationships. This then allows me to walk them through a simple process to remove those blocks as well as find and keep the love they are looking for!

On a more humorous note, many of my male clients will refer to me as the ?man whisperer.? ?They say it is because I am able I translate what their woman is doing, not doing, saying, or not saying into a man?s language they can easily understand.? They love how easy it makes it for them!

What are the three biggest mistakes you think men make on a first date??

This is an easy question, as most men who are inexperienced at dating tend to make the same mistakes.

The first is talking too much about themselves. When a man is on a date, especially the first date, he needs to ask the right type of questions in order for the woman to feel he is interested in her and not just trying to impress her.

The second mistake many men make is not taking the lead. Women today are tired of men being passive.? They are looking for the man to be the man allowing them to be the woman.

The third mistake is not ?closing the deal.? By this I mean securing the next time he will see her. Women need to feel pursued. If a man ends the first date with, ?It was great to meet you? and nothing else, she will walk away feeling he is not that into her.

Communication has always been an ?issue? with men. Any clues on why that is?! Hints on becoming a better communicator?

Yes, it is true that communication is generally an issue for men but once they learn the techniques of effective communication they can be great communicators!

The interesting fact is that men are not taught how to communicate, especially when it comes to women. Men like to bottom line their communication, which is completely opposite to the way women communicate. Once a man learns how to talk with women in ?women speak? they become irresistible magnets for women!

The great news is that it is not hard to do! Once a man learns the simple techniques I teach about communication, a whole new world opens up to him.

You?ve written a pair of books entitled ?It?s That Simple? one for women and one for men. Can you give us a brief description of both?

There are two unique qualities to these books. The first is that each is written in a gender specific language. The second is that each gives the reader a simple step-by-step process to work through and heal what is wrong in their relationship.

The men?s book is written so he can get the information he needs simply and quickly.? After all, if he is reading a self-help relationship book he wants to fix what is wrong right now!

The women?s book is written so she can fully understand her feelings, thoughts, and behaviors and how to change them to create a thriving relationship.

I always tell people if you can?t afford therapy or a relationship coach these books will defiantly help you and your partner to have a better relationship!

Tell us a little bit about your relationship coaching? Do you have any long-term clients, or are most just in for a quick repair?

The Relationship Coaching? I do begins with identifying exactly what is wrong in my client?s relationship. This could include any number of reasons from poor communication, lack of intimacy, unresolved resentments, or even infidelity.? Then, I provide my client the tools they need to save or improve their relationship. From there, I walk my client step-by-step through a healing process in order to create an amazing relationship with their partner.

When I work with a client for Dating Coaching the first thing we do is identify what they are looking for and why they have not yet found it.? Some clients want to find the person they plan to spend the rest of their lives with while others just want to know how to not end up dumped.? I then help my clients attain their dating goals by providing them with the information, tools, and motivation needed to get them to where they want to be.

I have both long and short-term clients depending on their particular goals and needs. My goal with every client is to get him or her to a place where they do not need me. In other words, to work myself right out of a job, which ensures they have met their goals!

To Reach Bree Click Here.


by admin - Friday, August 3rd, 2012


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