Saturday, November 3, 2012

5 Tips For Caring For Our Elderly Disabled ... - Healthy Family Matters

Mom and dad, or grandma and grandpa, seem like they?ll be around forever when we?re young. But as we get older we see our loved ones start to wither. Whether it is surgery or time that makes your loved one less mobile it is always important to give them the best care you can to prolong your time with them. Mobility aids are a big help but there are additional things the family can do to make life easier for their elders. Here are some tips for taking care of our ever loving elderly disabled.

Make It Easy To Get Around

If your loved one is staying at their house there are a few modifications you can make to ensure they are comfortable getting around. Installing grab bars and rails in the halls or bathrooms is especially good for someone coming off hip surgery. This also ensures that they?ll be able to get around if they lose their walker or cane. Wheel chair ramps are good to have at both their house and your own in case they come to visit. A little ramp could also be fun for the kids on their bikes as well!

5 Tips For Caring For Our Elderly Disabled Loved Ones

Go Grocery Shopping

Ask them for a list of what they want and go grocery shopping for them. This can be a sensitive area because this is usually where they realize how much they are depending on you and might insist on doing their own shopping. Insist on doing it for them but ask them what THEY want. Don?t just get them whatever you feel is necessary.

?Take Them Places

Being cooped up in the house all day can get boring very quickly. Take them for a drive somewhere, ask them how they?re doing, picnics or trips to the zoo with the family are great ideas here.

Play Games With Them

Learn to play one of the hundreds of card games our elderly know today. My own grandma had hip replacement surgery and in 3 days of staying with her and caring for her I learned 6 new card games. Board games are usually better options with the kids. Grandma and grandpa always love doing activities that make them AND the children happy.

Phone Calls

A simple call can immediately make someone?s day. Check in with them and ask them how they are doing from time to time, especially if you are far away and can?t visit them very often. Conversations with our elder loved ones are so precious, especially when they?re health is in question. You?ll always be glad you called no matter what happens after you hang up.

Photo credit:?Rosie O?Beirne?/?Foter?/?CC BY-NC-ND


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